Origin Organic serves you the products, as preferred by the Origin Organics in form , flavour, taste and richness.
Origin Organic promotes100% pure, healthy and honest organic products, and free from artificial additives, preservatives or chemical .Origin Organic adheres to international standards in food processing and quality.
Origin Organic products help the Origin Organic followers eat fresh & healthy, as our Palaeolithic ancestors did.
Growing demand and customers overwhelming response has prompted us to reach out, far and wide, with one objective in mind….to make our products available to all Origin Organic followers, at best prices.
Our vision is to be the world’s provider of organic food, for nutritious consumption and sound health for mankind.
Our mission is to replenish the world with our health products, rich in flavour, taste and freshness, with a promise of organic purity.
Present day food habit, is the cause for innumerable diseases, affecting people of all ages. Intake of fast food & processed food which are often laden with excessive sugar, transfats, cholestraletcleads to chronic diseases and health hazards like heart disease, sleeping disorders, obesity, cancer, diabetes, depression, infertility to name some. Excessive use of preservatives, artificial additives has proven cause for illhealth and has degerating effect on physical as well as mental health.
Origin Organic helps you take the first step towards a healthy life with more energy, both emotionally & physically
Origin Organic is, going back to basics.
Origin Organic diet also known as caveman diet or stone age diet or Palaeolithic diet is based on what our ancestors would eat combined with modern scientific study and research in order to achieve optimal health.
Our ancestors were healthier, fitter and stronger ,without any chronic diseases.
Origin Organic applies this principle by means of understanding our digestive system, metabolism and thus promotes low carb, whole & unprocessed diet. It has stood the test of time and scientific scrutiny. Researchers believe Origin Organic diet has a direct positive impacton ourhealth.
Origin Organic diet consists of a combination of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, sea food, nuts & seeds and healthy fats.
Origin Organic promotes100% pure, healthy and honest organic products, and free from artificial additives, preservatives or chemical .Origin Organic adheres to international standards in food processing and quality.
Following a systematic, scientific Origin Organic diet prevents us from eating out of context and helps in improving your body composition generating fantastic results in a short time.